Library MetaCoq.Translations.param_generous_packed

Reserved Notation "'tsl_ty_param'".

Definition pair (typ1 typ2 t1 t2 : term) : term
  := tApp tPair [ typ1 ; typ2 ; t1 ; t2].
Definition pack (t u : term) : term
  := tApp tSigma [ t ; u ].
Definition sigma_ind := Eval compute in
  match tSigma with tInd i _i | _mkInd "bug: sigma not an inductive" 0 end.
Definition proj1 (t : term) : term
  := tProj (sigma_ind, 2, 0) t.
Definition proj2 (t : term) : term
  := tProj (sigma_ind, 2, S 0) t.
Definition proj (b : bool) (t : term) : term
  := tProj (sigma_ind, 2, if b then 0 else S 0) t.

Fixpoint refresh_universes (t : term) {struct t} :=
  match t with
  | tSort stSort (if Universe.is_level s then s else fresh_universe)
  | tProd na b ttProd na b (refresh_universes t)
  | tLetIn na b t' ttLetIn na b t' (refresh_universes t)
  | _t

Fixpoint tsl_rec (fuel : nat) (Σ : global_env_ext) (E : tsl_table) (Γ : context)
         (b : bool) (t : term) {struct fuel} : tsl_result term :=
  match fuel with
  | Oraise NotEnoughFuel
  | S fuel
  match t with
  | tRel nret (proj b (tRel n))

  | tSort s
    if b then ret (tSort s)
    else ret (tLambda (nNamed "A") (tSort s) (tProd nAnon (tRel 0) (tSort s)))

  | tCast t c Aif b then
                    t1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ true t ;;
                    A1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ true A ;;
                    ret (tCast t1 c A1)
                    t1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ true t ;;
                    t2 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ false t ;;
                    A2 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ false A ;;
                    ret (tCast t2 c (tApp A2 [t1]))

  | tProd n A B
    if b then
      A' <- tsl_ty_param fuel Σ E Γ A ;;
         B1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E (Γ ,, vass n A) true B ;;
         ret (tProd n A' B1)
      A' <- tsl_ty_param fuel Σ E Γ A ;;
      B1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E (Γ ,, vass n A) true B ;;
      B2 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E (Γ ,, vass n A) false B ;;
      ret (tLambda (nNamed "f") (tProd n A' B1)
                   (tProd n (lift 1 0 A')
                          (tApp (lift 1 1 B2)
                                [tApp (tRel 1) [tRel 0]])))

  | tLambda n A tA' <- tsl_ty_param fuel Σ E Γ A ;;
                    t' <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E (Γ ,, vass n A) b t ;;
                    ret (tLambda n A' t')

  | tLetIn n t A ut' <- tsl_term fuel Σ E Γ t ;;
                     A' <- tsl_ty_param fuel Σ E Γ A ;;
                     u' <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E (Γ ,, vdef n t A) b u ;;
                     ret (tLetIn n t' A' u')

  | tApp t ut' <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ b t ;;
               u' <- monad_map (tsl_term fuel Σ E Γ) u ;;
               ret (tApp t' u')

  | tConst _ _ as t
  | tInd _ _ as t
  | tConstruct _ _ _ as tt' <- tsl_term fuel Σ E Γ t ;;
                            ret (proj b t')
  | _raise TranslationNotHandeled

with tsl_term (fuel : nat) (Σ : global_env_ext) (E : tsl_table) (Γ : context)
               (t : term) {struct fuel} : tsl_result term :=
  match fuel with
  | Oraise NotEnoughFuel
  | S fuel
  match t with
  | tRel nret (tRel n)

  | tSort s
    ret (pair (tSort fresh_universe)
              (tLambda (nNamed "A") (tSort fresh_universe) (tProd nAnon (tRel 0) (tSort fresh_universe)))
              (tSort s)
              (tLambda (nNamed "A") (tSort s) (tProd nAnon (tRel 0) (tSort s))))

  | tCast t c At' <- tsl_term fuel Σ E Γ t ;;
                  A' <- tsl_ty_param fuel Σ E Γ A ;;
                  ret (tCast t' c A')

  | tConst s univslookup_tsl_table' E (ConstRef s)
  | tInd i univslookup_tsl_table' E (IndRef i)
  | tConstruct i n univslookup_tsl_table' E (ConstructRef i n)
  | tmatch infer' Σ Γ t with
         | Checked typlet typ := refresh_universes typ in
                         t1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ true t ;;
                         t2 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ false t ;;
                         typ1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ true typ ;;
                         typ2 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ false typ ;;
                         ret (pair typ1 typ2 t1 t2)
        | TypeError traise (TypingError t)
where "'tsl_ty_param'" := (fun fuel Σ E Γ t
                        t1 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ true t ;;
                        t2 <- tsl_rec fuel Σ E Γ false t ;;
                        ret (pack t1 t2)).

Instance tsl_param : Translation
  := {| tsl_id := tsl_ident ;
        tsl_tm := fun ΣE tsl_term fuel (fst ΣE) (snd ΣE) [] ;
        tsl_ty := Some (fun ΣE tsl_ty_param fuel (fst ΣE) (snd ΣE) []) ;
        tsl_ind := todo |}.

Notation "'TYPE'" := ({ A : Type & A Type}).
Notation "'El' A" := (@sigT A.1 A.2) (at level 20).

Definition Ty := Type.
Check Ty : El Ty.

Check "yo".

Definition Funext :=
   A (B : A Type) (f g : x, B x), ( x, paths (f x) (g x)) paths f g.

Definition Funext_fullFunext : Funext A B f g, IsEquiv (@apD10 A B f g).

Goal Funext El Funext.

Definition FALSE := X, X.

Proposition consistency_preservation : El FALSE FALSE.

Definition UIP := A (x y : A) (p q : paths x y), paths p q.

Proposition uip_preservation : UIP El UIP.

Notation " A × B " := (@sigT A (fun _B)) : type_scope.

Definition equiv (A B : Type) : Type :=
   (f : A B) (g : B A),
    ( x, paths (g (f x)) x) × ( x, paths (f (g x)) x).

Check "go".
Check "proof".