Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICParallelReductionConfluence

Notation "'∃' x .. y , P" := (sigT (fun x ⇒ .. (sigT (fun yP%type)) ..))
  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity,
  format "'[ ' '[ ' ∃ x .. y ']' , '/' P ']'") : type_scope.

Instance ren_ext : Morphisms.Proper (`=1` ==> `=1`)%signature ren.

Lemma shiftn0 r : shiftn 0 r =1 r.

Lemma shiftnS n r : shiftn (S n) r =1 shiftn 1 (shiftn n r).

Definition rename_context r Γ :=
  fold_context (fun krename (shiftn k r)) Γ.

Definition inst_context s Γ :=
  fold_context (fun kinst (⇑^k s)) Γ.

Definition rename_context_snoc0 r Γ d : rename_context r (d :: Γ) = rename_context r Γ ,, map_decl (rename (shiftn #|Γ| r)) d.

Lemma rename_context_snoc r Γ d : rename_context r (Γ ,, d) = rename_context r Γ ,, map_decl (rename (shiftn #|Γ| r)) d.

Lemma rename_context_alt r Γ :
  rename_context r Γ =
  mapi (fun k' dmap_decl (rename (shiftn (Nat.pred #|Γ| - k') r)) d) Γ.

Definition inst_context_snoc0 s Γ d :
  inst_context s (d :: Γ) =
  inst_context s Γ ,, map_decl (inst (⇑^#|Γ| s)) d.

Lemma inst_context_snoc s Γ d : inst_context s (Γ ,, d) = inst_context s Γ ,, map_decl (inst (⇑^#|Γ| s)) d.

Lemma inst_context_alt s Γ :
  inst_context s Γ =
  mapi (fun k' dmap_decl (inst (⇑^(Nat.pred #|Γ| - k') s)) d) Γ.

Lemma inst_context_length s Γ : #|inst_context s Γ| = #|Γ|.

Lemma subst_consn_shiftn n l σ : #|l| = n ↑^n (l n σ) =1 σ.

Lemma shiftn_consn_idsn n σ : ↑^n ⇑^n σ =1 σ ↑^n.

Lemma subst10_inst a b τ : b {0 := a}.[τ] = (b.[ τ] {0 := a.[τ]}).

Lemma lift_renaming_0 k : ren (lift_renaming k 0) = ren (Nat.add k).

Lemma lift0_inst n t : lift0 n t = t.[↑^n].

Lemma map_vass_map_def g l r :
  (mapi (fun i (d : def term) ⇒ vass (dname d) (lift0 i (dtype d)))
        (map (map_def (rename r) g) l)) =
  (mapi (fun i dmap_decl (rename (shiftn i r)) d)
        (mapi (fun i (d : def term) ⇒ vass (dname d) (lift0 i (dtype d))) l)).

Lemma rename_fix_context r :
   (mfix : list (def term)),
    fix_context (map (map_def (rename r) (rename (shiftn #|mfix| r))) mfix) =
    rename_context r (fix_context mfix).

Lemma map_vass_map_def_inst g l s :
  (mapi (fun i (d : def term) ⇒ vass (dname d) (lift0 i (dtype d)))
        (map (map_def (inst s) g) l)) =
  (mapi (fun i dmap_decl (inst (⇑^i s)) d)
        (mapi (fun i (d : def term) ⇒ vass (dname d) (lift0 i (dtype d))) l)).

Lemma inst_fix_context:
   (mfix : list (def term)) s,
    fix_context (map (map_def (inst s) (inst (⇑^#|mfix| s))) mfix) =
    inst_context s (fix_context mfix).

Lemma mkApps_eq_decompose_app_rec {f args t l} :
  mkApps f args = t
  ~~ isApp f
  match decompose_app_rec t l with
  | (f', args')f' = f mkApps t l = mkApps f' args'

Lemma mkApps_eq_decompose' {f args t} :
  mkApps f args = t
  ~~ isApp f
  match decompose_app t with
  | (f', args')f' = f t = mkApps f' args'

Lemma fst_decompose_app_rec t l : fst (decompose_app_rec t l) = fst (decompose_app t).

Section FoldFix.
  Context (rho : context term term).
  Context (Γ : context).

  Fixpoint fold_fix_context acc m :=
    match m with
    | []acc
    | def :: fixd
      fold_fix_context (vass def.(dname) (lift0 #|acc| (rho Γ def.(dtype))) :: acc) fixd

  Fixpoint fold_ctx_over Γ' :=
    match Γ' with
    | [][]
    | {| decl_name := na; decl_body := None; decl_type := T |} :: Γ'
      let Γ'' := fold_ctx_over Γ' in
      vass na (rho (Γ ,,, Γ'') T) :: Γ''
    | {| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some b; decl_type := T |} :: Γ'
      let Γ'' := fold_ctx_over Γ' in
      vdef na (rho (Γ ,,, Γ'') b) (rho (Γ ,,, Γ'') T) :: Γ''

End FoldFix.

Lemma term_forall_ctx_list_ind :
   (P : term Type),
    ( (n : nat), P (tRel n))
    ( (i : ident), P (tVar i))
    ( (n : nat) (l : list term), All (P) l P (tEvar n l))
    ( s, P (tSort s))
    ( (n : name) (t : term), P t t0 : term, P t0 P (tProd n t t0))
    ( (n : name) (t : term), P t t0 : term, P t0 P (tLambda n t t0))
    ( (n : name) (t : term),
        P t t0 : term, P t0 t1 : term, P t1
                                                   P (tLetIn n t t0 t1))
    ( (t u : term),
        ( t', size t' < size (tApp t u) P t')
        P t P u P (tApp t u))
    ( (s : String.string) (u : list Level.t), P (tConst s u))
    ( (i : inductive) (u : list Level.t), P (tInd i u))
    ( (i : inductive) (n : nat) (u : list Level.t), P (tConstruct i n u))
    ( (p : inductive × nat) (t : term),
        P t t0 : term, P t0 l : list (nat × term),
            tCaseBrsProp (P) l P (tCase p t t0 l))
    ( (s : projection) (t : term), P t P (tProj s t))
    ( (m : mfixpoint term) (n : nat),
        tFixProp P P m P (tFix m n))
    ( (m : mfixpoint term) (n : nat),
        tFixProp (P) P m P (tCoFix m n))
     (t : term), P t.

Lemma atom_mkApps {t l} : atom (mkApps t l) atom t l = [].

Lemma pred_atom_mkApps {t l} : pred_atom (mkApps t l) pred_atom t l = [].

Definition application_atom t :=
  match t with
  | tVar _
  | tSort _
  | tInd _ _
  | tConstruct _ _ _
  | tLambda _ _ _true
  | _false

Lemma application_atom_mkApps {t l} : application_atom (mkApps t l) application_atom t l = [].

Section Confluence.

  Lemma pred_mkApps Σ Γ Δ M0 M1 N0 N1 :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ M0 M1
    All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) N0 N1
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps M0 N0) (mkApps M1 N1).

  Lemma pred_snd_nth:
     (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context) (c : nat) (brs1 brs' : list (nat × term)),
        (on_Trel (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) snd) brs1
        pred1_ctx Σ Γ Δ
      pred1 Σ Γ Δ
              (snd (nth c brs1 (0, tDummy)))
              (snd (nth c brs' (0, tDummy))).

  Lemma mkApps_eq_decompose_app {t t' l l'} :
    mkApps t l = mkApps t' l'
    decompose_app_rec t l = decompose_app_rec t' l'.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tConstruct (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        ind pars k (args : list term) c :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tConstruct ind pars k) args) c
    {args' : list term & (c = mkApps (tConstruct ind pars k) args') × (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) args args') }%type.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_refl_tConstruct (Σ : global_env) Γ Δ i k u l l' :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tConstruct i k u) l) (mkApps (tConstruct i k u) l')
    All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) l l'.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tInd (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        ind u (args : list term) c :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tInd ind u) args) c
    {args' : list term & (c = mkApps (tInd ind u) args') × (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) args args') }%type.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tConst_axiom (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        cst u (args : list term) cb c :
    declared_constant Σ cst cb cst_body cb = None
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tConst cst u) args) c
    {args' : list term & (c = mkApps (tConst cst u) args') × (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) args args') }%type.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tFix_inv (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        mfix0 idx (args0 : list term) c :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tFix mfix0 idx) args0) c
    ({ mfix1 & { args1 : list term &
                         (c = mkApps (tFix mfix1 idx) args1) ×
                         All2_prop2_eq Γ Δ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Δ ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                                       dtype dbody
                                    (fun x(dname x, rarg x))
                                    (pred1 Σ) mfix0 mfix1 ×
                         (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) ) args0 args1 } }%type) +
    ({ mfix1 & { args1 & { narg & { fn &
     ((unfold_fix mfix1 idx = Some (narg, fn)) ×
      All2_prop2_eq Γ Δ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Δ ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                    dtype dbody
                    (fun x(dname x, rarg x))
                    (pred1 Σ) mfix0 mfix1 ×

      (is_constructor narg args1 = true) ×
      (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) args0 args1) ×
      (c = mkApps fn args1)) } } } })%type.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tFix_refl_inv (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        mfix0 mfix1 idx0 idx1 (args0 args1 : list term) :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tFix mfix0 idx0) args0) (mkApps (tFix mfix1 idx1) args1)
    (All2_prop2_eq Γ Δ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Δ ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                   dtype dbody
                   (fun x(dname x, rarg x))
                   (pred1 Σ) mfix0 mfix1 ×
     (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) ) args0 args1).

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tCoFix_inv (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        mfix0 idx (args0 : list term) c :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tCoFix mfix0 idx) args0) c
     mfix1 args1,
      (c = mkApps (tCoFix mfix1 idx) args1) ×
      All2_prop2_eq Γ Δ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Δ ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody
                    (fun x(dname x, rarg x))
                    (pred1 Σ) mfix0 mfix1 ×
      (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) ) args0 args1.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tCoFix_refl_inv (Σ : global_env) (Γ Δ : context)
        mfix0 mfix1 idx (args0 args1 : list term) :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tCoFix mfix0 idx) args0) (mkApps (tCoFix mfix1 idx) args1)
      All2_prop2_eq Γ Δ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Δ ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody
                    (fun x(dname x, rarg x))
                    (pred1 Σ) mfix0 mfix1 ×
      (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ)) args0 args1.

  Lemma All2_prop_eq_All2 {A B} {Σ Γ Δ} {f : A term} {g : A B} args0 args1 args3 :
    All2_prop_eq Γ Δ f g
     (λ (Γ Δ : context) (x y : term),
      (pred1 Σ Γ Δ x y ×
       ( Δ' r, pred1 Σ Γ Δ' x r
         Δ'' v, pred1 Σ Δ Δ'' y v × pred1 Σ Δ' Δ'' r v))%type)
     args0 args1
    All2 (on_Trel_eq (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) f g) args0 args3
    All2 (fun x y
            ( Δ'' v, (pred1 Σ Δ Δ'' (f x) v × pred1 Σ Δ Δ'' (f y) v)) × (g x = g y))%type args1 args3.

  Lemma All2_prop_All2 {Σ Γ Δ} args0 args1 args3 :
    All2_prop Γ
     (λ (Γ : context) (x y : term),
      (pred1 Σ Γ Δ x y ×
       ( Δ' r, pred1 Σ Γ Δ' x r
         Δ'' v, pred1 Σ Δ Δ'' y v × pred1 Σ Δ' Δ'' r v))%type)
     args0 args1
    All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) args0 args3
    All2 (fun x y
         Δ'' v, pred1 Σ Δ Δ'' x v × pred1 Σ Δ Δ'' y v)%type args1 args3.

  Definition on_Trel2 {A B} (R : A A Type) (f : B A) : B A Type :=
    fun x yR (f x) y.

  Lemma All2_on_Trel_eq_impl {A B} Σ Γ Δ {f : A term} {g : A B} {x y} :
    All2 (on_Trel_eq (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) f g) x y
    All2 (on_Trel (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) f) x y.

  Lemma isConstruct_app_inv t :
    isConstruct_app t = true
     ind k u args, t = mkApps (tConstruct ind k u) args.

  Lemma All2_nth_error_Some_right {A} {P : A A Type} {l l'} n t :
    All2 P l l'
    nth_error l' n = Some t
    { t' : A & (nth_error l n = Some t') × P t' t}%type.

  Lemma All2_local_env_skipn P l l' n :
    All2_local_env P l l'
    All2_local_env P (skipn n l) (skipn n l').

  Equations construct_cofix_discr (t : term) : bool :=
    construct_cofix_discr (tConstruct _ _ _) ⇒ true;
    construct_cofix_discr (tCoFix _ _) ⇒ true;
    construct_cofix_discr _false.

  Equations discr_construct_cofix (t : term) : Prop :=
    { | tConstruct _ _ _False;
      | tCoFix _ _False;
      | _True }.

  Inductive construct_cofix_view : term Set :=
  | construct_cofix_construct c u i : construct_cofix_view (tConstruct c u i)
  | construct_cofix_cofix mfix idx : construct_cofix_view (tCoFix mfix idx)
  | construct_cofix_other t : discr_construct_cofix t construct_cofix_view t.

  Equations view_construct_cofix (t : term) : construct_cofix_view t :=
    { | tConstruct ind u iconstruct_cofix_construct ind u i;
      | tCoFix mfix idxconstruct_cofix_cofix mfix idx;
      | tconstruct_cofix_other t I }.

  Equations isConstruct (t : term) : bool :=
    isConstruct (tConstruct _ _ _) ⇒ true;
    isConstruct _false.

  Inductive construct_view : term Set :=
  | construct_construct c u i : construct_view (tConstruct c u i)
  | construct_other t : ~~ isConstruct t construct_view t.

  Equations view_construct (t : term) : construct_view t :=
    { | tConstruct ind u iconstruct_construct ind u i;
      | tconstruct_other t eq_refl }.

  Fixpoint isFix_app (t : term) : bool :=
    match t with
    | tApp (tFix _ _) _true
    | tApp f _isFix_app f
    | _false

  Inductive fix_app_view : term Set :=
  | fix_app_fix mfix i l : l [] fix_app_view (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l)
  | fix_app_other t : ~~ isFix_app t fix_app_view t.

  Lemma view_fix_app (t : term) : fix_app_view t.

  Definition isFixLambda (t : term) : bool :=
    match t with
    | tFix _ _true
    | tLambda _ _ _true
    | _false

  Inductive fix_lambda_view : term Set :=
  | fix_lambda_lambda na b t : fix_lambda_view (tLambda na b t)
  | fix_lambda_fix mfix i : fix_lambda_view (tFix mfix i)
  | fix_lambda_other t : ~~ isFixLambda t fix_lambda_view t.

  Lemma view_fix_lambda (t : term) : fix_lambda_view t.

  Section All2_telescope.
    Context (P : (Γ Γ' : context), option (term × term) term term Type).

    Definition telescope := context.

    Inductive All2_telescope (Γ Γ' : context) : telescope telescope Type :=
    | telescope2_nil : All2_telescope Γ Γ' [] []
    | telescope2_cons_abs na t t' Δ Δ' :
        P Γ Γ' None t t'
        All2_telescope (Γ ,, vass na t) (Γ' ,, vass na t') Δ Δ'
        All2_telescope Γ Γ' (vass na t :: Δ) (vass na t' :: Δ')
    | telescope2_cons_def na b b' t t' Δ Δ' :
        P Γ Γ' (Some (b, b')) t t'
        All2_telescope (Γ ,, vdef na b t) (Γ' ,, vdef na b' t') Δ Δ'
        All2_telescope Γ Γ' (vdef na b t :: Δ) (vdef na b' t' :: Δ').
  End All2_telescope.

  Section All2_telescope_n.
    Context (P : (Γ Γ' : context), option (term × term) term term Type).
    Context (f : nat term term).

    Inductive All2_telescope_n (Γ Γ' : context) (n : nat) : telescope telescope Type :=
    | telescope_n_nil : All2_telescope_n Γ Γ' n [] []
    | telescope_n_cons_abs na t t' Δ Δ' :
        P Γ Γ' None (f n t) (f n t')
        All2_telescope_n (Γ ,, vass na (f n t)) (Γ' ,, vass na (f n t')) (S n) Δ Δ'
        All2_telescope_n Γ Γ' n (vass na t :: Δ) (vass na t' :: Δ')
    | telescope_n_cons_def na b b' t t' Δ Δ' :
        P Γ Γ' (Some (f n b, f n b')) (f n t) (f n t')
        All2_telescope_n (Γ ,, vdef na (f n b) (f n t)) (Γ' ,, vdef na (f n b') (f n t'))
                         (S n) Δ Δ'
        All2_telescope_n Γ Γ' n (vdef na b t :: Δ) (vdef na b' t' :: Δ').

  End All2_telescope_n.

  Lemma All2_telescope_mapi {P} Γ Γ' Δ Δ' (f : nat term term) k :
    All2_telescope_n (on_decl P) f Γ Γ' k Δ Δ'
    All2_telescope (on_decl P) Γ Γ' (mapi_rec (fun nmap_decl (f n)) Δ k)
                   (mapi_rec (fun nmap_decl (f n)) Δ' k).

  Lemma local_env_telescope P Γ Γ' Δ Δ' :
    All2_telescope (on_decl P) Γ Γ' Δ Δ'
    All2_local_env_over P Γ Γ' (List.rev Δ) (List.rev Δ').

  Lemma lookup_env_cst_inv {Σ c k cst} :
    lookup_env Σ c = Some (ConstantDecl k cst) c = k.

  Definition isLambda_or_Fix_app t :=
    match fst (decompose_app t) with
    | tLambda _ _ _true
    | tFix _ _true
    | _false

  Lemma decompose_app_rec_head t l f : fst (decompose_app_rec t l) = f
                                       ~~ isApp f.

  Lemma isLambda_or_Fix_app_decompose_app t :
    ~~ isLambda_or_Fix_app t
     l', ~~ isLambda_or_Fix_app (fst (decompose_app_rec t l')).

  Section TriangleFn.
    Context (Σ : global_env).

    Definition map_fix (rho : context term term) Γ mfixctx (mfix : mfixpoint term) :=
      (map (map_def (rho Γ) (rho (Γ ,,, mfixctx))) mfix).

    Fixpoint rho Γ t : term :=
      match t with
      | tApp (tLambda na T b) u(rho (vass na (rho Γ T) :: Γ) b) {0 := rho Γ u}
      | tLetIn na d t b ⇒ (subst10 (rho Γ d) (rho (vdef na (rho Γ d) (rho Γ t) :: Γ) b))
      | tRel i
        match option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) with
        | Some (Some body) ⇒ (lift0 (S i) body)
        | Some NonetRel i
        | NonetRel i
      | tCase (ind, pars) p x brs
        let p' := rho Γ p in
        let x' := rho Γ x in
        let brs' := (fun x(fst x, rho Γ (snd x))) brs in
        match decompose_app x, decompose_app x' with
        | (tConstruct ind' c u, args), (tConstruct ind'' c' u', args')
          if eqb ind ind' then
            iota_red pars c args' brs'
          else tCase (ind, pars) p' x' brs'
        | (tCoFix mfix idx, args), (tCoFix mfix' idx', args')
          match unfold_cofix mfix' idx with
          | Some (narg, fn)
            tCase (ind, pars) p' (mkApps fn args') brs'
          | NonetCase (ind, pars) p' (mkApps (tCoFix mfix' idx) args') brs'
        | _, _tCase (ind, pars) p' x' brs'
      | tProj ((i, pars, narg) as p) x
        let x' := rho Γ x in
        match decompose_app x, decompose_app x' with
        | (tConstruct ind c u, args), (tConstruct ind' c' u', args')
          match nth_error args' (pars + narg) with
          | Some arg1
            if eqb i ind' then arg1
            else tProj p x'
          | NonetProj p x'
        | (tCoFix mfix idx, args), (tCoFix mfix' idx', args')
          match unfold_cofix mfix' idx with
          | Some (narg, fn)tProj p (mkApps fn args')
          | NonetProj p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix' idx') args')
        | _, _tProj p x'
      | tConst c u
        match lookup_env Σ c with
        | Some (ConstantDecl id decl) ⇒
          match decl.(cst_body) with
          | Some bodysubst_instance_constr u body
          | NonetConst c u
        | _tConst c u
      | tApp t u
        let t' := rho Γ t in
        let u' := rho Γ u in
        match decompose_app (tApp t u), decompose_app (tApp t' u') with
        | (tFix mfix0 idx0, args0), (tFix mfix1 idx1, args1)
          match unfold_fix mfix1 idx1 with
          | Some (rarg, fn)
            if is_constructor rarg args1 then
              mkApps fn args1
            else tApp t' u'
          | NonetApp t' u'
        | _, _tApp t' u'
      | tLambda na t utLambda na (rho Γ t) (rho (vass na (rho Γ t) :: Γ) u)
      | tProd na t utProd na (rho Γ t) (rho (vass na (rho Γ t) :: Γ) u)
      | tVar itVar i
      | tEvar n ltEvar n (map (rho Γ) l)
      | tSort stSort s
      | tFix mfix idx
        let mfixctx := fold_fix_context rho Γ [] mfix in
        tFix (map_fix rho Γ mfixctx mfix) idx
      | tCoFix mfix idx
        let mfixctx := fold_fix_context rho Γ [] mfix in
        tCoFix (map_fix rho Γ mfixctx mfix) idx
      | tInd _ _ | tConstruct _ _ _t

    Section rho_ctx.
      Context (Δ : context).
      Fixpoint rho_ctx_over Γ :=
        match Γ with
        | [][]
        | {| decl_name := na; decl_body := None; decl_type := T |} :: Γ
          let Γ' := rho_ctx_over Γ in
          vass na (rho (Δ ,,, Γ') T) :: Γ'
        | {| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some b; decl_type := T |} :: Γ
          let Γ' := rho_ctx_over Γ in
          vdef na (rho (Δ ,,, Γ') b) (rho (Δ ,,, Γ') T) :: Γ'
    End rho_ctx.

    Definition rho_ctx Γ := (rho_ctx_over [] Γ).

    Lemma rho_ctx_over_length Δ Γ : #|rho_ctx_over Δ Γ| = #|Γ|.

    Lemma rho_ctx_over_app Γ' Γ Δ :
      rho_ctx_over Γ' (Γ ,,, Δ) =
      rho_ctx_over Γ' Γ ,,, rho_ctx_over (Γ' ,,, rho_ctx_over Γ' Γ) Δ.

    Lemma rho_ctx_app Γ Δ : rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Δ) = rho_ctx Γ ,,, rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) Δ.

    Lemma rho_triangle_All_All2_ind:
       (Γ : context) (brs : list (nat × term)),
        pred1_ctx Σ Γ (rho_ctx Γ)
        All (λ x : nat × term, pred1_ctx Σ Γ (rho_ctx Γ) pred1 Σ Γ (rho_ctx Γ) (snd x) (rho (rho_ctx Γ) (snd x)))
        All2 (on_Trel_eq (pred1 Σ Γ (rho_ctx Γ)) snd fst) brs
             (map (λ x : nat × term, (fst x, rho (rho_ctx Γ) (snd x))) brs).

    Lemma rho_All_All2_local_env :
       Γ : context, pred1_ctx Σ Γ (rho_ctx Γ) Δ : context,
               (λ (Γ' : context) (t : term),
                pred1_ctx Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Γ'))
                pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Γ')
                      (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Γ')) t
                      (rho (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Γ')) t))
            ) Δ
           All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over (pred1 Σ) Γ (rho_ctx Γ))) Δ
                           (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) Δ).

    Lemma rho_All_All2_local_env' :
       Γ : context, pred1_ctx Σ Γ (rho_ctx Γ) Δ Δ' : context,
               (λ (Γ' Γ'' : context) (t t' : term), pred1_ctx Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Γ''))
                                              pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Γ')
                                                     (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Γ'')) t
                                                     (rho (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Γ'')) t'))) Δ Δ'
           All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over (pred1 Σ) Γ (rho_ctx Γ))) Δ
                           (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) Δ').

    Lemma rho_All_All2_local_env_inv :
       Γ Γ' : context, pred1_ctx Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) Δ Δ' : context,
          All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over (pred1 Σ) Γ' (rho_ctx Γ))) Δ
                         (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) Δ')
               (λ (Δ Δ' : context) (t t' : term), pred1 Σ (Γ' ,,, Δ)
                                                        (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Δ')) t
                                                        (rho (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Δ')) t'))) Δ Δ'.

    Lemma nth_error_rho_ctx {Γ n c} :
      nth_error Γ n = Some c
      nth_error (rho_ctx Γ) n = Some (map_decl (rho (rho_ctx (skipn (S n) Γ))) c).

    Lemma map_cofix_subst (f : context term term)
          (f' : context context term term) mfix Γ Γ' :
      ( n, tCoFix (map (map_def (f Γ) (f' Γ Γ')) mfix) n = f Γ (tCoFix mfix n))
      cofix_subst (map (map_def (f Γ) (f' Γ Γ')) mfix) =
      map (f Γ) (cofix_subst mfix).

    Lemma fold_fix_context_rev_mapi {Γ l m} :
      fold_fix_context rho Γ l m =
      List.rev (mapi (λ (i : nat) (x : def term),
                      vass (dname x) ((lift0 (#|l| + i)) (rho Γ (dtype x)))) m) ++ l.

    Lemma fold_fix_context_rev {Γ m} :
      fold_fix_context rho Γ [] m =
      List.rev (mapi (λ (i : nat) (x : def term),
                      vass (dname x) (lift0 i (rho Γ (dtype x)))) m).

    Lemma nth_error_map_fix i f Γ Δ m :
      nth_error (map_fix f Γ Δ m) i = option_map (map_def (f Γ) (f (Γ ,,, Δ))) (nth_error m i).

    Lemma fold_fix_context_length f Γ l m : #|fold_fix_context f Γ l m| = #|m| + #|l|.

    Lemma All_local_env_Alli P ctx :
      All_local_env (on_local_decl P) ctx
      Alli (fun n decl
          P (skipn (S n) ctx) (decl_type decl)) 0 ctx.

    Lemma All_local_env_fix_Alli P m :
      All_local_env (on_local_decl P) (fix_context m)
      Alli (fun n def
      P (skipn (S n) (fix_context m)) (lift0 (Nat.pred #|m| - n) (dtype def)))%type 0 (List.rev m).

    Context `{cf : checker_flags} (wfΣ : wf Σ).

    Lemma fold_ctx_over_eq Γ Γ' : rho_ctx_over Γ Γ' = fold_ctx_over rho Γ Γ'.

    Section foldover.
      Context (Γ Γ' : context).

      Fixpoint fold_fix_context_over acc m :=
        match m with
        | []acc
        | def :: fixd
            (vass def.(dname) (lift #|acc| #|Γ'| (rho (Γ ,,, Γ') def.(dtype))) :: acc) fixd
    End foldover.

    Lemma fold_fix_context_over2 Γ acc m :
      fold_fix_context_over Γ [] acc m =
      fold_fix_context rho Γ acc m.

    Lemma fold_fix_context_over_acc' Γ Δ m :
      (All (fun d
              rho ( Δ ++ Γ) ((lift #|Δ| 0 ) (dtype d)) =
                          (lift #|Δ| 0) (rho (Γ ) (dtype d))) m)

      rho_ctx_over (Γ ,,, Δ )
                   ((List.rev (mapi_rec (λ (i : nat) (d : def term),
                                         vass (dname d) ((lift i 0) (dtype d))) m #|Δ|)))
                   ++ Δ =
      fold_fix_context_over Γ [] Δ m.

    Lemma fold_fix_context_over' Γ m :
      (All (fun d
              rho (Δ ++ Γ) ((lift0 #|Δ|) (dtype d)) =
                          (lift0 #|Δ|) (rho Γ (dtype d))) m)

      rho_ctx_over Γ (fix_context m) =
      fold_fix_context rho Γ [] m.

    Lemma fold_fix_context_app Γ l acc acc' :
      fold_fix_context rho Γ l (acc ++ acc') =
      fold_fix_context rho Γ (fold_fix_context rho Γ l acc) acc'.

    Definition ctxmap (Γ Δ : context) (s : nat term) :=
       x d, nth_error Γ x = Some d
                  match decl_body d return Type with
                  | Some b
                     i b', s x = tRel i
                            option_map decl_body (nth_error Δ i) = Some (Some b')
                            b'.[↑^(S i)] = b.[↑^(S x) s]
                  | NoneTrue

    Lemma simpl_pred Γ Γ' t t' u u' : t = t' u = u' pred1 Σ Γ Γ' t' u' pred1 Σ Γ Γ' t u.

    Lemma pred_atom_inst t σ : pred_atom t t.[σ] = t.

    Lemma All2_prop2_eq_split (Γ Γ' Γ2 Γ2' : context) (A B : Type) (f g : A term)
          (h : A B) (rel : context context term term Type) x y :
      All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' Γ2 Γ2' f g h rel x y
      All2 (on_Trel (rel Γ Γ') f) x y ×
      All2 (on_Trel (rel Γ2 Γ2') g) x y ×
      All2 (on_Trel eq h) x y.

    Lemma refine_pred Γ Δ t u u' : u = u' pred1 Σ Γ Δ t u' pred1 Σ Γ Δ t u.

    Inductive assumption_context : context Prop :=
    | assumption_context_nil : assumption_context []
    | assumption_context_vass na t Γ : assumption_context Γ assumption_context (vass na t :: Γ).

    Lemma fix_context_assumption_context m : assumption_context (fix_context m).

    Lemma nth_error_assumption_context Γ n d :
      assumption_context Γ nth_error Γ n = Some d
      decl_body d = None.

    Lemma ctxmap_ext Γ Δ : CMorphisms.Proper (CMorphisms.respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) isEquiv) (ctxmap Γ Δ).

    Lemma Up_ctxmap Γ Δ c c' σ :
      ctxmap Γ Δ σ
      (decl_body c' = option_map (fun xx.[σ]) (decl_body c))
      ctxmap (Γ ,, c) (Δ ,, c') ( σ).

    Inductive All2i {A B : Type} (R : nat A B Type) : list A list B Type :=
      All2i_nil : All2i R [] []
    | All2i_cons : (x : A) (y : B) (l : list A) (l' : list B),
        R (List.length l) x y All2i R l l' All2i R (x :: l) (y :: l').

    Definition pres_bodies Γ Δ σ :=
      All2i (fun n decl decl' ⇒ (decl_body decl' = option_map (fun xx.[⇑^n σ]) (decl_body decl)))
            Γ Δ.

    Lemma Upn_ctxmap Γ Δ Γ' Δ' σ :
      pres_bodies Γ' Δ' σ
      ctxmap Γ Δ σ
      ctxmap (Γ ,,, Γ') (Δ ,,, Δ') (⇑^#|Γ'| σ).

    Definition pred1_subst Γ Δ Δ' σ τ :=
       x, pred1 Σ Δ Δ' (σ x) (τ x) ×
                match option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ x) return Type with
                | Some (Some b) ⇒ σ x = τ x
                | _True

    Lemma pred1_subst_pred1_ctx {Γ Δ Δ' σ τ} :
      pred1_subst Γ Δ Δ' σ τ
      pred1_ctx Σ Δ Δ'.

    Lemma pred1_subst_Up:
       (Γ : context) (na : name) (t0 t1 : term) (Δ Δ' : context) (σ τ : nat term),
        pred1 Σ Δ Δ' t0.[σ] t1.[τ]
        pred1_subst Γ Δ Δ' σ τ
        pred1_subst (Γ,, vass na t0) (Δ,, vass na t0.[σ]) (Δ',, vass na t1.[τ]) ( σ) ( τ).

    Lemma pred1_subst_vdef_Up:
       (Γ : context) (na : name) (b0 b1 t0 t1 : term) (Δ Δ' : context) (σ τ : nat term),
        pred1 Σ Δ Δ' t0.[σ] t1.[τ]
        pred1 Σ Δ Δ' b0.[σ] b1.[τ]
        pred1_subst Γ Δ Δ' σ τ
        pred1_subst (Γ,, vdef na b0 t0) (Δ,, vdef na b0.[σ] t0.[σ]) (Δ',, vdef na b1.[τ] t1.[τ]) ( σ) ( τ).

    Lemma pred1_subst_Upn:
       (Γ : context) (Δ Δ' : context) (σ τ : nat term) (Γ' Δ0 Δ1 : context) n,
        #|Γ'| = #|Δ0| #|Δ0| = #|Δ1| n = #|Δ0|
                                                    pred1_subst Γ Δ Δ' σ τ
                                                    All2_local_env_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ' Δ0 Δ1
                                                    pred1_subst (Γ ,,, Γ') (Δ ,,, Δ0) (Δ' ,,, Δ1) (⇑^n σ) (⇑^n τ).

    Lemma inst_mkApps f l σ : (mkApps f l).[σ] = mkApps f.[σ] (map (inst σ) l).

    Lemma inst_iota_red s pars c args brs :
      inst s (iota_red pars c args brs) =
      iota_red pars c ( (inst s) args) ( (on_snd (inst s)) brs).

    Lemma All2_local_env_fold_context P f g Γ Δ :
      All2_local_env (fun Γ Δ p T UP (fold_context f Γ) (fold_context g Δ)
                                         (option_map (fun '(b, b')(f #|Γ| b, g #|Δ| b')) p)
                                         (f #|Γ| T) (g #|Δ| U)) Γ Δ
      All2_local_env P (fold_context f Γ) (fold_context g Δ).

    Lemma All2_local_env_fix_context P σ τ Γ Δ :
      All2_local_env (fun Γ Δ p T UP (inst_context σ Γ) (inst_context τ Δ)
                                         (option_map (fun '(b, b')(b.[⇑^#|Γ| σ], b'.[⇑^#|Δ| τ])) p)
                                         (T.[⇑^#|Γ| σ]) (U.[⇑^#|Δ| τ])) Γ Δ
      All2_local_env P (inst_context σ Γ) (inst_context τ Δ).

    Lemma All2_local_env_impl P Q Γ Δ :
      All2_local_env P Γ Δ
      ( Γ Δ t T U, #|Γ| = #|Δ| P Γ Δ t T U Q Γ Δ t T U)
      All2_local_env Q Γ Δ.

    Lemma decompose_app_rec_inst s t l :
      let (f, a) := decompose_app_rec t l in
      inst s f = f
      decompose_app_rec (inst s t) (map (inst s) l) = (f, map (inst s) a).

    Lemma decompose_app_inst s t f a :
      decompose_app t = (f, a) inst s f = f
      decompose_app (inst s t) = (inst s f, map (inst s) a).

    Lemma inst_is_constructor:
       (args : list term) (narg : nat) s,
        is_constructor narg args = true is_constructor narg (map (inst s) args) = true.

    Lemma map_fix_subst f g mfix :
      ( n, tFix (map (map_def f g) mfix) n = f (tFix mfix n))
      fix_subst (map (map_def f g) mfix) =
      map f (fix_subst mfix).

    Lemma map_cofix_subst' f g mfix :
      ( n, tCoFix (map (map_def f g) mfix) n = f (tCoFix mfix n))
      cofix_subst (map (map_def f g) mfix) =
      map f (cofix_subst mfix).

    Lemma subst_consn_compose l σ' σ : l n σ' σ =1 (map (inst σ) l n (σ' σ)).
    Lemma map_idsn_spec (f : term term) (n : nat) :
      map f (idsn n) = Nat.recursion [] (fun x ll ++ [f (tRel x)]) n.

    Lemma nat_recursion_ext {A} (x : A) f g n :
      ( x l', x < n f x l' = g x l')
      Nat.recursion x f n = Nat.recursion x g n.

    Lemma id_nth_spec {A} (l : list A) :
      l = Nat.recursion [] (fun x l'
                              match nth_error l x with
                              | Some al' ++ [a]
                              | Nonel'
                              end) #|l|.

  Lemma Upn_comp n l σ : n = #|l| ⇑^n σ (l n ids) =1 l n σ.

   Lemma shift_Up_comm σ : σ =1 σ .

  Lemma pres_bodies_inst_context Γ σ : pres_bodies Γ (inst_context σ Γ) σ.

  Lemma inst_closed0 σ t : closedn 0 t t.[σ] = t.

  Lemma isLambda_inst t σ : isLambda t isLambda t.[σ].

  Lemma isLambda_subst t s : isLambda t isLambda (subst0 s t).

  Lemma strong_substitutivity Γ Γ' Δ Δ' s t σ τ :
    pred1 Σ Γ Γ' s t
    ctxmap Γ Δ σ
    ctxmap Γ' Δ' τ
    pred1_subst Γ Δ Δ' σ τ
    pred1 Σ Δ Δ' s.[σ] t.[τ].
Beta case

  Definition rho_ctxmap φ (Γ Δ : context) (s : nat term) :=
     x d, nth_error Γ x = Some d
                match decl_body d return Type with
                | Some b i, (s x = tRel i) ×
                                 (option_map decl_body (nth_error Δ i) = Some (Some b.[↑^(S x) s]))
                | None(Σ, φ) ;;; Δ |- s x : d.(decl_type).[↑^(S x) s]

  Definition renaming Γ Δ r :=
     x, match nth_error Γ x with
              | Some d
                match decl_body d return Prop with
                | Some b
                   b', option_map decl_body (nth_error Δ (r x)) = Some (Some b')
                             b'.[↑^(S (r x))] = b.[↑^(S x) ren r]
                | Noneoption_map decl_body (nth_error Δ (r x)) = Some None
              | Nonenth_error Δ (r x) = None

  Instance renaming_ext Γ Δ : Morphisms.Proper (`=1` ==> iff)%signature (renaming Γ Δ).

  Lemma shiftn1_renaming Γ Δ c c' r :
    renaming Γ Δ r
    (decl_body c' = option_map (fun xx.[ren r]) (decl_body c))
    renaming (c :: Γ) (c' :: Δ) (shiftn 1 r).

  Lemma shift_renaming Γ Δ ctx ctx' r :
    All2i (fun n decl decl' ⇒ (decl_body decl' = option_map (fun xx.[ren (shiftn n r)]) (decl_body decl)))
          ctx ctx'
    renaming Γ Δ r
    renaming (Γ ,,, ctx) (Δ ,,, ctx') (shiftn #|ctx| r).

  Definition isFix (t : term) : bool :=
    match t with
    | tFix _ _true
    | _false

  Definition discr_fix (t : term) : Prop :=
    match t with
    | tFix _ _False
    | _True

  Inductive fix_view : term Set :=
  | fix_fix mfix i : fix_view (tFix mfix i)
  | fix_other t : discr_fix t fix_view t.

  Lemma view_fix (t : term) : fix_view t.

  Lemma fold_mkApps_tApp f l a : mkApps (tApp f a) l = mkApps f (a :: l).

  Lemma fold_tApp f a : tApp f a = mkApps f [a].

  Lemma isFix_app_false mfix idx l : l [] ~~ isFix_app (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l) False.

  Definition lambda_app_discr (t : term) : bool :=
    match t with
    | tApp (tLambda _ _ _) _true
    | _false

  Inductive lambda_app_view : term Set :=
  | lambda_app_fix na t b a : lambda_app_view (tApp (tLambda na t b) a)
  | lambda_app_other t : ~~ lambda_app_discr t lambda_app_view t.

  Lemma view_lambda_app (t : term) : lambda_app_view t.

  Lemma isFix_app_tapp f x : ~~ isFix_app (tApp f x) ~~ isFix_app f.

  Lemma discr_fix_match (P : Type)
        (p : mfixpoint term nat P)
        (q : P) :
     t l, l [] ~~ isFix_app (mkApps t l)
                (match t with tFix mfix idxp mfix idx | _q end) = q.

  Definition rho_fix Γ t l :=
    let t' := rho Γ t in
    let u' := map (rho Γ) l in
    match t' with
    | tFix mfix1 idx1
      match unfold_fix mfix1 idx1 with
      | Some (rarg, fn)
        if is_constructor rarg u' then
          mkApps fn u'
        else mkApps t' u'
      | NonemkApps t' u'
    | _mkApps t' u'

  Lemma last_app {A} (l l' : list A) d : l' [] last (l ++ l') d = last l' d.

  Lemma mkApps_tApp_tApp f a l :
    mkApps (tApp f a) l = tApp (mkApps f (removelast (a :: l))) (List.last l a).

  Lemma decompose_app_rec_non_nil f l :
    l []
     t' l', decompose_app_rec f l = (t', l') l' [].

  Lemma isLambda_nisApp t : isLambda t ~~ isApp t.

  Lemma rho_fix_unfold Γ mfix idx l :
    rho Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l) = rho_fix Γ (tFix mfix idx) l.

  Definition rho_fix_context Γ mfix :=
    fold_fix_context rho Γ [] mfix.

  Lemma rho_fix_context_length Γ mfix : #|rho_fix_context Γ mfix| = #|mfix|.

  Lemma isLambda_rho Γ t : isLambda t isLambda (rho Γ t).

  Lemma nisLambda_rho Γ t : ~~ isLambda (rho Γ t) ~~ isLambda t.

  Lemma rho_fix_unfold_inv Γ mfix i l :
    match nth_error mfix i with
    | Some d
      let fn := (subst0 (map (rho Γ) (fix_subst mfix))) (rho (Γ ,,, rho_fix_context Γ mfix) (dbody d)) in
      if isLambda (rho (Γ ,,, rho_fix_context Γ mfix) (dbody d)) && is_constructor (rarg d) (map (rho Γ) l) then
         (rho Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l) = mkApps fn (map (rho Γ) l))
        rho Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l) = mkApps (rho Γ (tFix mfix i)) (map (rho Γ) l)
    | Nonerho Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l) = mkApps (rho Γ (tFix mfix i)) (map (rho Γ) l)

  Inductive rho_fix_spec Γ mfix i l : term Type :=
  | rho_fix_red d :
      let fn := (subst0 (map (rho Γ) (fix_subst mfix))) (rho (Γ ,,, rho_fix_context Γ mfix) (dbody d)) in
      nth_error mfix i = Some d
      isLambda (rho (Γ ,,, rho_fix_context Γ mfix) (dbody d)) && is_constructor (rarg d) (map (rho Γ) l)
      rho_fix_spec Γ mfix i l (mkApps fn (map (rho Γ) l))
  | rho_fix_stuck :
      (match nth_error mfix i with
       | NoneTrue
       | Some d
         let fn := (rho (Γ ,,, rho_fix_context Γ mfix) (dbody d)) in
         ~~ isLambda fn ~~ is_constructor (rarg d) (map (rho Γ) l)
      rho_fix_spec Γ mfix i l (mkApps (rho Γ (tFix mfix i)) (map (rho Γ) l)).

  Lemma rho_fix_elim Γ mfix i l :
    rho_fix_spec Γ mfix i l (rho Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l)).

  Definition rho_app Γ t :=
    let '(hd, args) := decompose_app t in
    match hd with
    | tLambda na dom b
      match args with
      | a :: argsmkApps (rho Γ (tApp hd a)) (map (rho Γ) args)
      | []rho Γ t
    | tFix _ _rho_fix Γ hd args
    | _mkApps (rho Γ hd) (map (rho Γ) args)

  Lemma discr_fix_eq (A : Type) (a : mfixpoint term nat A) (b c : A) t :
    ~~ isFix t
    b = c
    match t with
    | tFix mfix idxa mfix idx
    | _b
    end = c.

  Lemma is_constructor_app_ge n l l' : is_constructor n l is_constructor n (l ++ l').

  Lemma isLambda_nisFix t : isLambda t ~~ isFix t.

  Lemma rho_app_unfold Γ t : rho Γ t = rho_app Γ t.

  Definition lambda_discr (t : term) : bool :=
    match t with
    | tLambda _ _ _true
    | _false

  Lemma discr_lambda_fix_eq (A : Type) (a b c d : A) t :
    ¬ isFix t ¬ lambda_discr t
    c = d
    match t with
    | tFix _ _a
    | tLambda _ _ _b
    | _c
    end = d.

  Lemma rho_app_discr_aux Γ f a :
    ¬ isLambda f
    ~~ isFix_app (tApp f a)
    rho_app Γ (tApp f a) = tApp (rho Γ f) (rho Γ a).

  Lemma rho_mkApps_non_nil Γ f l :
    ~~ isLambda f l nil ~~ isApp f ~~ isFix f
    rho Γ (mkApps f l) = mkApps (rho Γ f) (map (rho Γ) l).

  Lemma rho_mkApps Γ f l :
    ~~ isApp f ~~ isLambda f ~~ isFix f
    rho Γ (mkApps f l) = mkApps (rho Γ f) (map (rho Γ) l).

  Lemma decompose_app_rec_inv' f l hd args : decompose_app_rec f l = (hd, args)
                                       ~~ isApp hd mkApps f l = mkApps hd args.

  Lemma decompose_app_inv' f hd args : decompose_app f = (hd, args)
                                       ~~ isApp hd f = mkApps hd args.

  Lemma mkApps_eq_app f l f' a :
    ~~ isApp f
    mkApps f l = tApp f' a
    l nil a = last l a f' = mkApps f (removelast l).

  Lemma discr_lambda_app_isLambda f a : ~~ lambda_app_discr (tApp f a) ¬ isLambda f.

  Lemma rho_tApp_discr Γ f a :
    ~~ lambda_app_discr (tApp f a)
    ~~ isFix_app (tApp f a)
    rho Γ (tApp f a) = tApp (rho Γ f) (rho Γ a).

  Lemma discr_fix_app_mkApps f args : ~~ isApp f ~~ isFix f ~~ isFix_app (mkApps f args).

  Lemma discr_lambda_app_rename r f :
    lambda_app_discr f = lambda_app_discr (rename r f).

  Lemma isFix_app_rename r f :
    isFix_app f = isFix_app (rename r f).

  Lemma isConstruct_app_rho Γ t : isConstruct_app t isConstruct_app (rho Γ t).

  Lemma rename_mkApps r f l: rename r (mkApps f l) = mkApps (rename r f) (map (rename r) l).

  Lemma isConstruct_app_rename r t :
    isConstruct_app t = isConstruct_app (rename r t).

  Lemma mfixpoint_size_nth_error {mfix i d} :
    nth_error mfix i = Some d
    size (dbody d) < mfixpoint_size size mfix.

  Lemma All2i_app {A B} (P : nat A B Type) l0 l0' l1 l1' :
    All2i P l0' l1'
    All2i (fun nP (n + #|l0'|)) l0 l1
    All2i P (l0 ++ l0') (l1 ++ l1').

  Lemma All2i_length {A B} (P : nat A B Type) l l' :
    All2i P l l' #|l| = #|l'|.

  Lemma All2i_impl {A B} (P Q : nat A B Type) l l' :
    All2i P l l' ( n x y, P n x y Q n x y) All2i Q l l'.

  Lemma All2i_rev {A B} (P : nat A B Type) l l' :
    All2i P l l'
    All2i (fun nP (#|l| - S n)) (List.rev l) (List.rev l').

  Inductive All2i_ctx {A B : Type} (R : nat A B Type) (n : nat) : list A list B Type :=
    All2i_ctx_nil : All2i_ctx R n [] []
  | All2i_ctx_cons : (x : A) (y : B) (l : list A) (l' : list B),
      R n x y All2i_ctx R (S n) l l' All2i_ctx R n (x :: l) (y :: l').

  Lemma All2i_ctx_app {A B} (P : nat A B Type) n l0 l0' l1 l1' :
    All2i_ctx P (n + #|l0|) l0' l1'
    All2i_ctx P n l0 l1
    All2i_ctx P n (l0 ++ l0') (l1 ++ l1').

  Lemma All2i_rev_ctx {A B} (R : nat A B Type) (n : nat) (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
    All2i R l l' All2i_ctx R 0 (List.rev l) (List.rev l').

  Lemma All2i_rev_ctx_gen {A B} (R : nat A B Type) (n : nat) (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
    All2i_ctx R n l l' All2i (fun mR (n + m)) (List.rev l) (List.rev l').

  Lemma All2i_rev_ctx_inv {A B} (R : nat A B Type) (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
    All2i_ctx R 0 l l' All2i R (List.rev l) (List.rev l').

  Lemma All2i_ctx_mapi {A B C D} (R : nat A B Type)
        (l : list C) (l' : list D) (f : nat C A) (g : nat D B) n :
    All2i_ctx (fun n x yR n (f n x) (g n y)) n l l'
    All2i_ctx R n (mapi_rec f l n) (mapi_rec g l' n).

  Lemma All2i_ctx_trivial {A B} (R : nat A B Type) (H : n x y, R n x y) n l l' :
    #|l| = #|l'| All2i_ctx R n l l'.

  Lemma mfixpoint_size_In {mfix d} :
    In d mfix
    size (dbody d) < mfixpoint_size size mfix
    size (dtype d) < mfixpoint_size size mfix.

  Lemma renaming_shift_rho_fix_context:
     (mfix : mfixpoint term) (Γ Δ : list context_decl) (r : nat nat),
      renaming Γ Δ r
      renaming (Γ ,,, rho_fix_context Γ mfix)
               (Δ ,,, rho_fix_context Δ (map (map_def (rename r) (rename (shiftn #|mfix| r))) mfix))
               (shiftn #|mfix| r).

  Lemma map_fix_rho_rename:
     (mfix : mfixpoint term) (i : nat) (l : list term),
      ( t' : term, size t' < size (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l)
                     (Γ Δ : list context_decl) (r : nat nat),
            renaming Γ Δ r
             rename r (rho Γ t') = rho Δ (rename r t'))
       (Γ Δ : list context_decl) (r : nat nat),
        renaming Γ Δ r
         map (map_def (rename r) (rename (shiftn #|mfix| r)))
              (map_fix rho Γ (fold_fix_context rho Γ [] mfix) mfix) =
          map_fix rho Δ (fold_fix_context rho Δ [] (map (map_def (rename r) (rename (shiftn #|mfix| r))) mfix))
                  (map (map_def (rename r) (rename (shiftn #|mfix| r))) mfix).

  Lemma decompose_app_rec_rename r t l :
     hd args,
      decompose_app_rec t l = (hd, args)
      decompose_app_rec (rename r t) (map (rename r) l) = (rename r hd, map (rename r) args).

  Lemma decompose_app_rename {r t hd args} :
      decompose_app t = (hd, args)
      decompose_app (rename r t) = (rename r hd, map (rename r) args).

  Lemma nisConstruct_elim {A} {t} {a : inductive nat universe_instance A} {b : A} :
    ~~ isConstruct t
    match t with
    | tConstruct ind n ua ind n u
    | _b
    end = b.

  Lemma isConstruct_rename {r t} : ~~ isConstruct t ~~ isConstruct (rename r t).

  Lemma isLambda_rename r t : isLambda (rename r t) = isLambda t.

  Lemma nth_nth_error {A} {i} {l : list A} {d v} :
    nth i l d = v
    (nth_error l i = Some v) +
    (nth_error l i = None v = d).

  Lemma rho_rename Γ Δ r t :
    renaming Γ Δ r
    rename r (rho Γ t) = rho Δ (rename r t).

  Lemma ren_lift_renaming n k : ren (lift_renaming n k) =1 (⇑^k ↑^n).

  Lemma shiftk_compose n m : ↑^n ↑^m =1 ↑^(n + m).

  Lemma rho_lift0 Γ Δ t : lift0 #|Δ| (rho Γ t) = rho (Γ ,,, Δ) (lift0 #|Δ| t).

  Lemma fold_fix_context_over_acc Γ m acc :
    rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ ,,, acc)
                 (List.rev (mapi_rec (λ (i : nat) (d : def term), vass (dname d) ((lift0 i) (dtype d))) m #|acc|))
                 ++ acc =
    fold_fix_context rho (rho_ctx Γ) acc m.

  Lemma fold_fix_context_rho_ctx Γ m :
    rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context m) =
    fold_fix_context rho (rho_ctx Γ) [] m.

  Definition fold_fix_context_alt Γ m :=
    mapi (fun k defvass def.(dname) (lift0 k (rho Γ def.(dtype)))) m.

  Lemma fix_context_fold Γ m :
    fix_context (map (map_def (rho (rho_ctx Γ))
                              (rho (rho_ctx Γ ,,, rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context m)))) m) =
    rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context m).

  Lemma fix_context_map_fix Γ mfix :
    fix_context (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ) (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix)) mfix) =
    rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix).

  Lemma rho_ctx_over_rev_mapi {Γ m} :
    List.rev (mapi (λ (i : nat) (x : def term),
                    vass (dname x) (lift0 i (rho (rho_ctx Γ) (dtype x)))) m) =
    rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context m).

  Lemma All2_local_env_pred_fix_ctx P (Γ Γ' : context) (mfix0 : mfixpoint term) (mfix1 : list (def term)) :
         (on_decl_over (λ (Γ0 Γ'0 : context) (t t0 : term), P Γ'0 (rho_ctx Γ0) t0 (rho (rho_ctx Γ0) t)) Γ Γ'))
      (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
     All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over P Γ' (rho_ctx Γ))) (fix_context mfix1)
                     (fix_context (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ) (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix0)) mfix0)).

  Lemma rho_triangle_All_All2_ind_noeq:
     (Γ Γ' : context) (brs0 brs1 : list (nat × term)),
      pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ'
      All2 (on_Trel_eq (λ x y : term, (pred1 Σ Γ Γ' x y × pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) y (rho (rho_ctx Γ) x))%type) snd
                       fst) brs0 brs1
      All2 (on_Trel (pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)) snd) brs1 (map (λ x : nat × term, (fst x, rho (rho_ctx Γ) (snd x))) brs0).

  Lemma All2_app_r {A} (P : A A Type) l l' r r' : All2 P (l ++ [r]) (l' ++ [r'])
                                                        (All2 P l l') × (P r r').

  Lemma All2_map_left {A B} (P : A A Type) l l' (f : B A) :
    All2 (fun x yP (f x) y) l l' All2 P (map f l) l'.

  Lemma All2_map_right {A B} (P : A A Type) l l' (f : B A) :
    All2 P l (map f l') All2 (fun x yP x (f y)) l l'.

  Lemma mapi_rec_compose {A B C} (g : nat B C) (f : nat A B) k l :
    mapi_rec g (mapi_rec f l k) k = mapi_rec (fun k xg k (f k x)) l k.

  Lemma mapi_compose {A B C} (g : nat B C) (f : nat A B) l :
    mapi g (mapi f l) = mapi (fun k xg k (f k x)) l.

  Lemma All2_refl_All {A} (P : A A Type) l : All2 P l l All (fun xP x x) l.
  Lemma mapi_cst_map {A B} (f : A B) l : mapi (fun _f) l = map f l.

  Lemma All_All2_telescopei_gen (Γ Γ' Δ Δ' : context) (m m' : mfixpoint term) :
    #|Δ| = #|Δ'|
                   (λ (x y : def term), (pred1 Σ Γ'
                                               (rho_ctx Γ)
                                               (dtype x)
                                               (rho (rho_ctx Γ) (dtype y))) × (dname x = dname y))%type m m'
                 All2_local_env_over (pred1 Σ) Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) Δ (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) Δ')
                 All2_telescope_n (on_decl (pred1 Σ)) (λ n : nat, lift0 n)
                                  (Γ' ,,, Δ) (rho_ctx (Γ ,,, Δ'))
  (map (λ def : def term, vass (dname def) (dtype def)) m)
    (map (λ def : def term, vass (dname def) (rho (rho_ctx Γ) (dtype def))) m').

  Lemma All_All2_telescopei (Γ Γ' : context) (m m' : mfixpoint term) :
    All2 (λ (x y : def term), (pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) (dtype x) (rho (rho_ctx Γ) (dtype y))) ×
                              (dname x = dname y))%type m m'
    All2_telescope_n (on_decl (pred1 Σ)) (λ n : nat, lift0 n)
                     Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)
                     (map (λ def : def term, vass (dname def) (dtype def)) m)
                     (map (λ def : def term, vass (dname def) (rho (rho_ctx Γ) (dtype def))) m').

  Lemma pred1_rho_fix_context_2 (Γ Γ' : context) (m m' : mfixpoint term) :
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)
    All2 (on_Trel_eq (pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)) dtype dname) m
         (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ)
                  (fold_fix_context rho (rho_ctx Γ) [] m') m')
      (on_decl (on_decl_over (pred1 Σ) Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)))
      (fix_context m)
      (fix_context (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ) (fold_fix_context rho (rho_ctx Γ) [] m') m')).

  Lemma fold_fix_context_id_rec Γ Δ m :
    fold_fix_context (fun _ tt) Γ Δ m =
    List.rev (mapi_rec (λ (i : nat) (d : def term), vass (dname d) ((lift0 i) (dtype d))) m #|Δ|) ++ Δ.

  Lemma fold_fix_context_id Γ m :
    fold_fix_context (fun _ tt) Γ [] m = fix_context m.

  Lemma fold_ctx_over_id Γ Δ : fold_ctx_over (fun _ tt) Γ Δ = Δ.

  Lemma substitution_pred1 Γ Δ Γ' Δ' s s' N N' :
    psubst Σ Γ Γ' s s' Δ Δ'
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ') N N'
    pred1 Σ Γ Γ' (subst s 0 N) (subst s' 0 N').

  Lemma All2_mix {A} {P Q : A A Type} {l l'} :
    All2 P l l' All2 Q l l' All2 (fun x y ⇒ (P x y × Q x y))%type l l'.

  Lemma All2_mix_inv {A} {P Q : A A Type} {l l'} :
    All2 (fun x y ⇒ (P x y × Q x y))%type l l'
    (All2 P l l' × All2 Q l l').

  Definition swap {A B : Type} (x : A × B) : B × A :=
    (snd x, fst x).

  Lemma All2_local_env_sym P Γ Γ' Δ Δ' :
    All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over (fun Γ Γ' t t'P Γ' Γ t' t) Γ' Γ)) Δ' Δ
    All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over P Γ Γ')) Δ Δ'.

  Lemma All2_local_env_over_impl {P Q : context context term term Type}
        {Γ Γ' par par'} :
    All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over P Γ Γ')) par par'
    ( par par' x y, P (Γ ,,, par) (Γ' ,,, par') x y Q (Γ ,,, par) (Γ' ,,, par') x y)
    All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over Q Γ Γ')) par par'.

  Lemma All2_local_env_over_impl_f_g {P Q : context context term term Type}
        f g {Γ Γ' par par'} :
    All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over P Γ (f Γ'))) par par'
    ( par par' x y, P (Γ ,,, par) (f Γ' ,,, par') x y
                          Q (Γ ,,, par)
                            (f (Γ' ,,, par')) x (g (Γ' ,,, par') y))
    All2_local_env (on_decl (on_decl_over (fun Γ Γ' t t'Q Γ (f Γ') t (g Γ' t')) Γ Γ')) par par'.

  Lemma weakening_pred1_lengths (Γ Δ Γ' Δ' : context)
        (M N : term) m n :
    m = #|Γ'| n = #|Δ'|
                             (pred1 Σ) Γ Δ Γ' Δ'
                            pred1 Σ Γ Δ M N
                            pred1 Σ
                                   (Γ ,,, Γ')
                                   (Δ ,,, Δ')
                                   ((lift0 m) M)
                                   ((lift0 n) N).

  Lemma wf_rho_fix_subst Γ Γ' mfix0 mfix1 :
    #|mfix0| = #|mfix1|
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)
            (λ (Γ Γ' : context) (t t0 : term), pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) t0 (rho (rho_ctx Γ) t)) Γ
            Γ')) (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
    All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody
                  (λ x : def term, (dname x, rarg x))
                  (λ (Γ Γ' : context) (x y : term), (pred1 Σ Γ Γ' x y ×
                                                     pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) y (rho (rho_ctx Γ) x))%type)
                  mfix0 mfix1
    psubst Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_subst mfix1) (map (rho (rho_ctx Γ)) (fix_subst mfix0))
           (fix_context mfix1) (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix0)).

  Lemma wf_rho_cofix_subst Γ Γ' mfix0 mfix1 :
    #|mfix0| = #|mfix1|
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)
            (λ (Γ Γ' : context) (t t0 : term), pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) t0 (rho (rho_ctx Γ) t)) Γ
            Γ')) (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
    All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody
                  (λ x : def term, (dname x, rarg x))
                  (λ (Γ Γ' : context) (x y : term), (pred1 Σ Γ Γ' x y ×
                                                     pred1 Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) y (rho (rho_ctx Γ) x))%type)
                  mfix0 mfix1
    psubst Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ) (cofix_subst mfix1) (map (rho (rho_ctx Γ)) (cofix_subst mfix0))
           (fix_context mfix1) (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix0)).

  Lemma rho_cofix_subst Γ mfix :
    cofix_subst (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ) (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix)) mfix)
    = (map (rho (rho_ctx Γ)) (cofix_subst mfix)).

  Lemma rho_fix_subst Γ mfix :
    fix_subst (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ) (rho_ctx_over (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_context mfix)) mfix)
    = (map (rho (rho_ctx Γ)) (fix_subst mfix)).

  Lemma ctxmap_cofix_subst:
     (Γ' : context) (mfix1 : mfixpoint term),
      ctxmap (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) Γ' (cofix_subst mfix1 n ids).

  Lemma ctxmap_fix_subst:
     (Γ' : context) (mfix1 : mfixpoint term),
      ctxmap (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) Γ' (fix_subst mfix1 n ids).

  Lemma nth_error_cofix_subst mfix n b :
    nth_error (cofix_subst mfix) n = Some b
    b = tCoFix mfix (#|mfix| - S n).

  Lemma nth_error_fix_subst mfix n b :
    nth_error (fix_subst mfix) n = Some b
    b = tFix mfix (#|mfix| - S n).

  Lemma pred_subst_rho_cofix (Γ Γ' : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : mfixpoint term) :
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ' pred1_ctx Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)
              (λ (Γ0 Γ'0 : context) (t t0 : term),
               pred1 Σ Γ'0 (rho_ctx Γ0) t0
                     (rho (rho_ctx Γ0) t)) Γ Γ'))
        (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
     All2 (on_Trel eq (λ x : def term, (dname x, rarg x)))
           mfix0 mfix1
           (λ x y : term, pred1 Σ Γ Γ' x y
                                × pred1 Σ Γ'
                                (rho_ctx Γ) y
                                (rho (rho_ctx Γ) x)) dtype)
        mfix0 mfix1
           (λ x y : term, pred1 Σ
                                (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)
                                (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) x
                                × pred1 Σ
                                (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                                   (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) y
                                      (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) x))
           dbody) mfix0 mfix1
     pred1_subst (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) Γ'
                  (rho_ctx Γ) (cofix_subst mfix1 n ids)
                     (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ)
                                 (rho_ctx Γ)
                                 (fix_context mfix0)) mfix0) n ids).

  Lemma pred_subst_rho_fix (Γ Γ' : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : mfixpoint term) :
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ' pred1_ctx Σ Γ' (rho_ctx Γ)
              (λ (Γ0 Γ'0 : context) (t t0 : term),
               pred1 Σ Γ'0 (rho_ctx Γ0) t0
                     (rho (rho_ctx Γ0) t)) Γ Γ'))
        (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
     All2 (on_Trel eq (λ x : def term, (dname x, rarg x)))
           mfix0 mfix1
           (λ x y : term, pred1 Σ Γ Γ' x y
                                × pred1 Σ Γ'
                                (rho_ctx Γ) y
                                (rho (rho_ctx Γ) x)) dtype)
        mfix0 mfix1
           (λ x y : term, pred1 Σ
                                (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)
                                (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) x
                                × pred1 Σ
                                (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                                   (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) y
                                      (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) x))
           dbody) mfix0 mfix1
     pred1_subst (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) Γ'
                  (rho_ctx Γ) (fix_subst mfix1 n ids)
                     (map_fix rho (rho_ctx Γ)
                                 (rho_ctx Γ)
                                 (fix_context mfix0)) mfix0) n ids).

  Lemma isConstruct_app_pred1 {Γ Δ a b} : pred1 Σ Γ Δ a b isConstruct_app a isConstruct_app b.

  Lemma isFix_app_inv f args x :
    ~~ isApp f isFix_app (tApp (mkApps f args) x) isFix f.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_tLambda_inv (Γ Δ : context) na ty b args0 c :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) args0) c
    ({ ty' & { b' & { args1 &
               (c = mkApps (tLambda na ty' b') args1) ×
               (pred1 Σ Γ Δ ty ty') ×
               (pred1 Σ (Γ ,, vass na ty) (Δ ,, vass na ty') b b') ×
               (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) ) args0 args1 } } }%type) +
    ({ ty' & { b' & { hd & { tl &
               (pred1 Σ Γ Δ ty ty') ×
               (pred1 Σ (Γ ,, vass na ty) (Δ ,, vass na ty') b b') ×
               (All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Δ) args0 (hd :: tl)) ×
               (c = mkApps (b' {0:= hd}) tl) } } } })%type.

  Lemma is_constructor_rho Γ n args :
    is_constructor n args is_constructor n (map (rho (rho_ctx Γ)) args).

  Lemma mkApps_inj_args_length f f' l l' : #|l| = #|l'| mkApps f l = mkApps f' l' f = f' l = l'.

  Lemma pred1_mkApps_Lambda_Fix_inv Γ Γ' f a u l a' l' :
    isFix u isLambda f #|l| = #|l'|
    pred1 Σ Γ Γ' (mkApps f (a :: l)) (mkApps u (a' :: l'))
     na ty b ty' b' a'',
    (f = tLambda na ty b) ×
    (tApp u a' = b' {0 := a''}) ×
    pred1 Σ Γ Γ' ty ty' ×
    pred1 Σ Γ Γ' a a'' ×
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,, vass na ty) (Γ' ,, vass na ty') b b' ×
    All2 (pred1 Σ Γ Γ') l l'.

  Lemma triangle Γ Δ t u :
    let Pctx :=
        fun (Γ Δ : context) ⇒ pred1_ctx Σ Δ (rho_ctx Γ) in
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ t u pred1 Σ Δ (rho_ctx Γ) u (rho (rho_ctx Γ) t).

  End TriangleFn.

  Corollary confluence {cf : checker_flags} : Σ Γ Δ Δ' t u v, wf Σ
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ t u
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ' t v
    pred1 Σ Δ (rho_ctx Σ Γ) u (rho Σ (rho_ctx Σ Γ) t) ×
    pred1 Σ Δ' (rho_ctx Σ Γ) v (rho Σ (rho_ctx Σ Γ) t).

End Confluence.

Print Assumptions confluence.