Library MetaCoq.Examples.demo

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils All.

Import MCMonadNotation.

This is just printing
MetaCoq Test Quote (fun x : natx).

MetaCoq Test Quote (fun (f : nat nat) (x : nat) ⇒ f x).

MetaCoq Test Quote (let x := 2 in x).

MetaCoq Test Quote (let x := 2 in
            match x with
              | 0 ⇒ 0
              | S nn

MetaCoq Test Unquote (Ast.tConstruct (mkInd (MPfile ["Datatypes"; "Init"; "Coq"], "nat") 0) 0 []).

Build a definition
Definition d : Ast.term.
  let t := constr:(fun x : natx) in
  let k x := refine x in
  quote_term t k.

Another way
MetaCoq Quote Definition d' := (fun x : natx).

To quote existing definitions
Definition id_nat : nat nat := fun xx.

MetaCoq Quote Definition d'' := Eval compute in id_nat.
MetaCoq Quote Definition d3 := Eval cbn in id_nat.
MetaCoq Quote Definition d4 := Eval unfold id_nat in id_nat.

Fixpoint add (a b : nat) : nat :=
  match a with
    | 0 ⇒ b
    | S aS (add a b)
Eval vm_compute in add.

Fixpoint add' (a b : nat) : nat :=
  match b with
    | 0 ⇒ a
    | S bS (add' a b)

Fixpoint even (a : nat) : bool :=
  match a with
    | 0 ⇒ true
    | S aodd a
with odd (a : nat) : bool :=
  match a with
    | 0 ⇒ false
    | S aeven a

MetaCoq Quote Definition add_syntax := Eval compute in add.

MetaCoq Quote Definition eo_syntax := Eval compute in even.

MetaCoq Quote Definition add'_syntax := Eval compute in add'.

Reflecting definitions
MetaCoq Unquote Definition zero_from_syntax := (Ast.tConstruct (mkInd (MPfile ["Datatypes"; "Init"; "Coq"], "nat") 0) 0 []).
Set Printing All.

Print add_syntax.
Print tCase.
Print add_syntax.
Check tCase.
MetaCoq Unquote Definition add_from_syntax := add_syntax.

MetaCoq Unquote Definition eo_from_syntax := eo_syntax.
Print eo_from_syntax.

Local Notation Nat_module := (MPfile ["Datatypes"; "Init"; "Coq"], "nat").

MetaCoq Unquote Definition two_from_syntax := (Ast.tApp (Ast.tConstruct (Kernames.mkInd Nat_module 0) 1 nil)
   (Ast.tApp (Ast.tConstruct (Kernames.mkInd Nat_module 0) 1 nil)
      (Ast.tConstruct (Kernames.mkInd Nat_module 0) 0 nil :: nil) :: nil)).

MetaCoq Quote Recursively Definition plus_syntax := plus.

MetaCoq Quote Recursively Definition mult_syntax := mult.

MetaCoq Unquote Definition d''_from_syntax := d''.

Primitive Projections.

Set Primitive Projections.
Record prod' A B : Type :=
  pair' { fst' : A ; snd' : B }.
Arguments fst' {A B} _.
Arguments snd' {A B} _.

MetaCoq Test Quote ((pair' _ _ true 4).(snd')).

Reflecting Inductives

Definition one_i : one_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_typename := "demoBool";
  mind_entry_arity := tSort Universe.type0;
  mind_entry_consnames := ["demoTrue"; "demoFalse"];
  mind_entry_lc := [tRel 1; tRel 1];

Definition one_i2 : one_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_typename := "demoBool2";
  mind_entry_arity := tSort Universe.type0;
  mind_entry_consnames := ["demoTrue2"; "demoFalse2"];
  mind_entry_lc := [tRel 0; tRel 0];

Definition mut_i : mutual_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_record := None;
  mind_entry_finite := Finite;
  mind_entry_params := [];
  mind_entry_inds := [one_i; one_i2];
  mind_entry_universes := Monomorphic_entry (LevelSet.empty, ConstraintSet.empty);
  mind_entry_template := false;
  mind_entry_variance := None;
  mind_entry_private := None;

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive mut_i.

Definition anonb := {| binder_name := nAnon; binder_relevance := Relevant |}.
Definition bnamed n := {| binder_name := nNamed n; binder_relevance := Relevant |}.

Definition mkImpl (A B : term) : term :=
  tProd anonb A B.

Definition one_list_i : one_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_typename := "demoList";
  mind_entry_arity := tSort Universe.type0;
  mind_entry_consnames := ["demoNil"; "demoCons"];
  mind_entry_lc := [tApp (tRel 1) [tRel 0];
    mkImpl (tRel 0) (mkImpl (tApp (tRel 2) [tRel 1]) (tApp (tRel 3) [tRel 2]))];

Definition mut_list_i : mutual_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_record := None;
  mind_entry_finite := Finite;
  mind_entry_params := [{| decl_name := bnamed "A"; decl_body := None;
                         decl_type := (tSort Universe.type0) |}];
  mind_entry_inds := [one_list_i];
  mind_entry_universes := Monomorphic_entry (LevelSet.empty, ConstraintSet.empty);
  mind_entry_template := false;
  mind_entry_variance := None;
  mind_entry_private := None;

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive mut_list_i.

Definition one_pt_i : one_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_typename := "Point";
  mind_entry_arity := tSort Universe.type0;
  mind_entry_consnames := ["mkPoint"];
  mind_entry_lc := [
    mkImpl (tRel 0) (mkImpl (tRel 1) (tApp (tRel 3) [tRel 2]))];

Definition mut_pt_i : mutual_inductive_entry :=
  mind_entry_record := Some (Some "pp");
  mind_entry_finite := BiFinite;
  mind_entry_params := [{| decl_name := bnamed "A"; decl_body := None;
                         decl_type := (tSort Universe.type0) |}];
  mind_entry_inds := [one_pt_i];
  mind_entry_universes := Monomorphic_entry ContextSet.empty;
  mind_entry_template := false;
  mind_entry_variance := None;
  mind_entry_private := None;

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive mut_pt_i.

Putting the above commands in monadic program
Notation inat :=
  {| inductive_mind := Nat_module; inductive_ind := 0 |}.
MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmQuote (3 + 3)) tmPrint).

MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmQuoteRec add) tmPrint).

MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmLocate "add") tmPrint).

Definition printInductive (q : qualid): TemplateMonad unit :=
  kn <- tmLocate1 q ;;
  match kn with
  | IndRef ind(tmQuoteInductive ind.(inductive_mind)) >>= tmPrint
  | _tmFail ("[" ^ q ^ "] is not an inductive")

MetaCoq Run (printInductive "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat").
MetaCoq Run (printInductive "nat").

CoInductive cnat : Set := O :cnat | S : cnat cnat.
MetaCoq Run (printInductive "cnat").

Definition printConstant (q : qualid) b : TemplateMonad unit :=
  kn <- tmLocate1 q ;;
  match kn with
  | ConstRef kn(tmQuoteConstant kn b) >>= tmPrint
  | _tmFail ("[" ^ q ^ "] is not a constant")

MetaCoq Run (printConstant "add" false).
Fail MetaCoq Run (printConstant "nat" false).

Definition six : nat.
  exact (3 + 3).
MetaCoq Run (printConstant "six" true).
MetaCoq Run (printConstant "six" false).

MetaCoq Run (t <- tmLemma "foo4" nat;;
             tmDefinition "foo5" (t + t + 2)).
Next Obligation.
  exact 3.
Print foo5.

MetaCoq Run (t <- tmLemma "foo44" nat ;;
             qt <- tmQuote t ;;
             t <- tmEval all t ;;
             tmPrint qt ;; tmPrint t).
Next Obligation.
  exact (3+2).

MetaCoq Run (tmDefinition "foo4'" nat >>= tmPrint).

MetaCoq Run (t <- tmDefinition "foo5'" 12 ;;
                     tmDefinition "foo6'" t).

MetaCoq Run (tmLemma "foo51" nat ;;
                     tmLemma "foo61" bool).
Next Obligation.
  exact 3.
Next Obligation.
  exact true.

Definition printConstant' (name : qualid): TemplateMonad unit :=
  gr <- tmLocate1 name ;;
  match gr with
  | ConstRef knX <- tmUnquote (tConst kn []) ;;
                  X' <- tmEval all (my_projT2 X) ;;
                  tmPrint X'
  | _tmFail ("[" ^ name ^ "] is not a constant")

Fail MetaCoq Run (printInductive "Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.Nat.add").
MetaCoq Run (printConstant' "Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.Nat.add").

Fail MetaCoq Run (tmUnquoteTyped (nat nat) add_syntax >>= tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmUnquoteTyped (nat nat nat) add_syntax >>= tmPrint).

Inductive NonRec (A:Set) (C: A Set): Set :=
| SS : (f:A), C f NonRec A C.

MetaCoq Run (printInductive "NonRec").

Set Printing Universes.
Monomorphic Definition Funtm (A B: Type) := AB.
Polymorphic Definition Funtp@{i} (A B: Type@{i}) := AB.

Polymorphic Definition Funtp2@{i j}
   (A: Type@{i}) (B: Type@{j}) := AB.

MetaCoq Run (tmEval cbn add_syntax >>= tmMkDefinition "foo1").

MetaCoq Run ((tmFreshName "foo") >>= tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmAxiom "foo0" (nat nat) >>= tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmAxiom "foo0'" (nat nat) >>=
                     fun ttmDefinition "foo0''" t).
MetaCoq Run (tmFreshName "foo" >>= tmPrint).

MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmLocate "foo") tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmLocate "qlsnkqsdlfhkdlfh") tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmLocate "eq") tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmLocate "Logic.eq") tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmLocate "eq_refl") tmPrint).

MetaCoq Run (tmCurrentModPath tt >>= tmPrint).

MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmEval all (3 + 3)) tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (tmBind (tmEval hnf (3 + 3)) tmPrint).

Fail MetaCoq Run (tmFail "foo" >>= tmQuoteInductive).


Set Printing Universes.
MetaCoq Test Quote Type.
MetaCoq Test Quote Set.
MetaCoq Test Quote Prop.

Inductive T : Type :=
  | toto : Type T.
MetaCoq Quote Recursively Definition TT := T.

Unset MetaCoq Strict Unquote Universe Mode.
MetaCoq Unquote Definition t := (tSort (Universe.make (Level.Level "Top.20000"))).
MetaCoq Unquote Definition t' := (tSort fresh_universe).
MetaCoq Unquote Definition myProp := (tSort (Universe.lProp)).
MetaCoq Unquote Definition mySet := (tSort (Universe.make Level.lzero)).

CoInductive streamn : Set :=
  scons : nat streamn streamn.

CoFixpoint ones : streamn := scons 1 ones.

MetaCoq Quote Definition ones_syntax := Eval compute in ones.

MetaCoq Unquote Definition ones' := ones_syntax.

Check eq_refl : ones = ones'.

Definition kername_of_qualid (q : qualid) : TemplateMonad kername :=
  gr <- tmLocate1 q ;;
  match gr with
  | ConstRef knret kn
  | IndRef indret ind.(inductive_mind)
  | ConstructRef ind _ret ind.(inductive_mind)
  | VarRef _tmFail ("tmLocate: " ^ q ^ " is a Var")

MetaCoq Run (kername_of_qualid "add" >>= tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (kername_of_qualid "BinNat.N.add" >>= tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (kername_of_qualid "Coq.NArith.BinNatDef.N.add" >>= tmPrint).
MetaCoq Run (kername_of_qualid "N.add" >>= tmPrint).
Fail MetaCoq Run (kername_of_qualid "qlskf" >>= tmPrint).