Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICPretty

Pretty printing

Section print_term.
  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).

  Definition print_defs (print_term : context bool bool term string) Γ (defs : mfixpoint term) :=
    let ctx' := fix_context defs in
    print_list (print_def (print_term Γ true false) (print_term (ctx' ++ Γ)%list true false)) (nl ++ " with ") defs.

  Section Map2.
    Context {A B C} (f : A B C).
    Fixpoint map2 (l : list A) (l' : list B) : list C :=
      match l, l' with
      | nil, nilnil
      | cons a l, cons a' l'cons (f a a') (map2 l l')
      | _, _nil
  End Map2.

  Fixpoint decompose_lam (t : term) (n : nat) : (list name) × (list term) × term :=
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ ([], [], t)
    | S n
      match t with
      | tLambda na A Blet (nAs, B) := decompose_lam B n in
                          let (ns, As) := nAs in
                          (na :: ns, A :: As, B)
      | _([], [], t)

  Definition is_fresh (Γ : context) (id : ident) :=
      (fun decl
         match decl.(decl_name) with
         | nNamed id'negb (ident_eq id id')
         | nAnontrue
         end) Γ.

  Fixpoint name_from_term (t : term) :=
    match t with
    | tRel _ | tVar _ | tEvar _ _ ⇒ "H"
    | tSort s ⇒ "X"
    | tProd na b t ⇒ "f"
    | tLambda na b t ⇒ "f"
    | tLetIn na b _ t'name_from_term t'
    | tApp f _name_from_term f
    | tConst c u ⇒ "x"
    | tInd (mkInd i k) u
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
      | Checked (_, body)substring 0 1 (body.(ind_name))
      | TypeError _ ⇒ "X"
    | _ ⇒ "U"

  Definition fresh_id_from Γ n id :=
    let fix aux i :=
      match i with
      | 0 ⇒ id
      | S i'
        let id' := id ++ string_of_nat (n - i) in
        if is_fresh Γ id' then id'
        else aux i'
    in aux n.

  Definition fresh_name (Γ : context) (na : name) (t : term) :=
    let id := match na with
              | nNamed idid
              | nAnonname_from_term t
    if is_fresh Γ id then nNamed id
    else nNamed (fresh_id_from Γ 10 id).

  Fixpoint print_term (Γ : context) (top : bool) (inapp : bool) (t : term) {struct t} :=
  match t with
  | tRel n
    match nth_error Γ n with
    | Some {| decl_name := na |}
      match na with
      | nAnon ⇒ "Anonymous (" ++ string_of_nat n ++ ")"
      | nNamed idid
    | None ⇒ "UnboundRel(" ++ string_of_nat n ++ ")"
  | tVar n ⇒ "Var(" ++ n ++ ")"
  | tEvar ev args ⇒ "Evar(" ++ string_of_nat ev ++ "[]" ++ ")"
  | tSort sstring_of_sort s
  | tProd na dom codom
    let na' := fresh_name Γ na dom in
    parens top
           ("∀ " ++ string_of_name na' ++ " : " ++
                     print_term Γ true false dom ++ ", " ++ print_term (vass na' dom :: Γ) true false codom)
  | tLambda na dom body
    let na' := fresh_name Γ na dom in
    parens top ("fun " ++ string_of_name na' ++ " : " ++ print_term Γ true false dom
                                ++ " => " ++ print_term (vass na' dom :: Γ) true false body)
  | tLetIn na def dom body
    let na' := fresh_name Γ na dom in
    parens top ("let" ++ string_of_name na' ++ " : " ++ print_term Γ true false dom ++
                      " := " ++ print_term Γ true false def ++ " in " ++ nl ++
                      print_term (vdef na' def dom :: Γ) true false body)
  | tApp f l
    parens (top || inapp) (print_term Γ false true f ++ " " ++ print_term Γ false false l)
  | tConst c uc ++ print_universe_instance u
  | tInd (mkInd i k) u
    match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
    | Checked (_, oib)oib.(ind_name) ++ print_universe_instance u
    | TypeError _
      "UnboundInd(" ++ string_of_inductive (mkInd i k) ++ "," ++ string_of_universe_instance u ++ ")"
  | tConstruct (mkInd i k as ind) l u
    match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
    | Checked (_, oib)
      match nth_error oib.(ind_ctors) l with
      | Some (na, _, _)na ++ print_universe_instance u
      | None
        "UnboundConstruct(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat l ++ ","
                            ++ string_of_universe_instance u ++ ")"
    | TypeError _
      "UnboundConstruct(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat l ++ ","
                          ++ string_of_universe_instance u ++ ")"
  | tCase (mkInd mind i as ind, pars) p t brs
    match lookup_ind_decl Σ mind i with
    | Checked (_, oib)
      match p with
      | tLambda na _ty b
        let fix print_branch Γ arity br {struct br} :=
          match arity with
            | 0 ⇒ "=> " ++ print_term Γ true false br
            | S n
              match br with
              | tLambda na A B
                let na' := fresh_name Γ na A in
                string_of_name na' ++ " " ++ print_branch (vass na' A :: Γ) n B
              | t ⇒ "=> " ++ print_term Γ true false br
        let brs := map (fun '(arity, br)
                          print_branch Γ arity br) brs in
        let brs := combine brs oib.(ind_ctors) in
        parens top ("match " ++ print_term Γ true false t ++
                    " as " ++ string_of_name na ++
                    " in " ++ oib.(ind_name) ++ " return " ++ print_term Γ true false b ++
                    " with " ++ nl ++
                    print_list (fun '(b, (na, _, _))na ++ " " ++ b)
                    (nl ++ " | ") brs ++ nl ++ "end" ++ nl)
      | _
        "Case(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat i ++ "," ++ string_of_term t ++ ","
                ++ string_of_term p ++ "," ++ string_of_list (fun bstring_of_term (snd b)) brs ++ ")"
    | TypeError _
      "Case(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat i ++ "," ++ string_of_term t ++ ","
              ++ string_of_term p ++ "," ++ string_of_list (fun bstring_of_term (snd b)) brs ++ ")"
  | tProj (mkInd mind i as ind, pars, k) c
    match lookup_ind_decl Σ mind i with
    | Checked (_, oib)
      match nth_error oib.(ind_projs) k with
      | Some (na, _)print_term Γ false false c ++ ".(" ++ na ++ ")"
      | None
        "UnboundProj(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat i ++ "," ++ string_of_nat k ++ ","
                       ++ print_term Γ true false c ++ ")"
    | TypeError _
      "UnboundProj(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat i ++ "," ++ string_of_nat k ++ ","
                     ++ print_term Γ true false c ++ ")"

  | tFix l n
    parens top ("let fix " ++ print_defs print_term Γ l ++ nl ++
                          " in " ++ List.nth_default (string_of_nat n) (map (string_of_name dname) l) n)
  | tCoFix l n
    parens top ("let cofix " ++ print_defs print_term Γ l ++ nl ++
                              " in " ++ List.nth_default (string_of_nat n) (map (string_of_name dname) l) n)

End print_term.