Library MetaCoq.Erasure.ETyping

Typing derivations

Inductive relations for reduction, conversion and typing of CIC terms.

Environment lookup

Definition global_decl_ident d :=
  match d with
  | ConstantDecl id _id
  | InductiveDecl id _id

Fixpoint lookup_env (Σ : global_declarations) (id : ident) : option global_decl :=
  match Σ with
  | nilNone
  | hd :: tl
    if ident_eq id (global_decl_ident hd) then Some hd
    else lookup_env tl id

Definition declared_constant (Σ : global_declarations) (id : ident) decl : Prop :=
  lookup_env Σ id = Some (ConstantDecl id decl).

Definition declared_minductive Σ mind decl :=
  lookup_env Σ mind = Some (InductiveDecl mind decl).

Definition declared_inductive Σ mdecl ind decl :=
  declared_minductive Σ (inductive_mind ind) mdecl
  List.nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) (inductive_ind ind) = Some decl.

Definition declared_constructor Σ mdecl idecl cstr cdecl : Prop :=
  declared_inductive Σ mdecl (fst cstr) idecl
  List.nth_error idecl.(ind_ctors) (snd cstr) = Some cdecl.

Definition declared_projection Σ mdecl idecl (proj : projection) pdecl : Prop :=
  declared_inductive Σ mdecl (fst (fst proj)) idecl
  List.nth_error idecl.(ind_projs) (snd proj) = Some pdecl.


Helper functions for reduction

Definition fix_subst (l : mfixpoint term) :=
  let fix aux n :=
      match n with
      | 0 ⇒ []
      | S ntFix l n :: aux n
  in aux (List.length l).

Definition unfold_fix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) :=
  match List.nth_error mfix idx with
  | Some dSome (d.(rarg), subst0 (fix_subst mfix) d.(dbody))
  | NoneNone

Definition cofix_subst (l : mfixpoint term) :=
  let fix aux n :=
      match n with
      | 0 ⇒ []
      | S ntCoFix l n :: aux n
  in aux (List.length l).

Definition unfold_cofix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) :=
  match List.nth_error mfix idx with
  | Some dSome (d.(rarg), subst0 (cofix_subst mfix) d.(dbody))
  | NoneNone

Definition is_constructor n ts :=
  match List.nth_error ts n with
  | Some a
    let (f, a) := decompose_app a in
    match f with
    | tConstruct _ _true
    | _false
  | Nonefalse

Definition is_constructor_or_box n ts :=
  match List.nth_error ts n with
  | Some tBoxtrue
  | Some a
    let (f, a) := decompose_app a in
    match f with
    | tConstruct _ _true
    | _false
  | Nonefalse

Lemma fix_subst_length mfix : #|fix_subst mfix| = #|mfix|.

Lemma cofix_subst_length mfix : #|cofix_subst mfix| = #|mfix|.

Definition tDummy := tVar "".

Definition iota_red npar c args brs :=
  (mkApps (snd (List.nth c brs (0, tDummy))) (List.skipn npar args)).