Library MetaCoq.Checker.WfInv

Inversion lemmas for the well-formedness judgement

Fixpoint wf_Inv (t : term) :=
  match t with
  | tRel _ | tVar _ | tSort _True
  | tEvar n lForall wf l
  | tCast t k t'wf t wf t'
  | tProd na t bwf t wf b
  | tLambda na t bwf t wf b
  | tLetIn na t b b'wf t wf b wf b'
  | tApp t uisApp t = false u nil wf t Forall wf u
  | tConst _ _ | tInd _ _ | tConstruct _ _ _True
  | tCase ci p c brswf p wf c Forall (Program.Basics.compose wf snd) brs
  | tProj p twf t
  | tFix mfix kForall (fun defwf def.(dtype) wf def.(dbody) isLambda def.(dbody) = true) mfix
  | tCoFix mfix kForall (fun defwf def.(dtype) wf def.(dbody)) mfix

Lemma wf_inv t (w : t) : wf_Inv t.

Lemma decompose_app_mkApps f l :
  ~~ isApp f decompose_app (mkApps f l) = (f, l).

Lemma atom_decompose_app t : ~~ isApp t decompose_app t = (t, []).

Lemma mkApps_eq_inj {t t' l l'} :
  mkApps t l = mkApps t' l'
  ~~ isApp t ~~ isApp t' t = t' l = l'.

Inductive mkApps_spec : term list term term list term term Type :=
| mkApps_intro f l n :
    ~~ isApp f
    mkApps_spec f l (mkApps f (firstn n l)) (skipn n l) (mkApps f l).

Lemma firstn_add {A} x y (args : list A) : firstn (x + y) args = firstn x args ++ firstn y (skipn x args).
Definition is_empty {A} (l : list A) :=
  if l is nil then true else false.

Lemma is_empty_app {A} (l l' : list A) : is_empty (l ++ l') = is_empty l && is_empty l'.

Fixpoint wf_term (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tRel _ | tVar _true
  | tEvar n lforallb wf_term l
  | tSort utrue
  | tCast t k t'wf_term t && wf_term t'
  | tProd na t bwf_term t && wf_term b
  | tLambda na t bwf_term t && wf_term b
  | tLetIn na t b b'wf_term t && wf_term b && wf_term b'
  | tApp t u~~ isApp t && ~~ is_empty u && wf_term t && forallb wf_term u
  | tConst _ _ | tInd _ _ | tConstruct _ _ _true
  | tCase ci p c brswf_term p && wf_term c && forallb (Program.Basics.compose wf_term snd) brs
  | tProj p twf_term t
  | tFix mfix k
    forallb (fun defwf_term def.(dtype) && wf_term def.(dbody) && isLambda def.(dbody)) mfix
  | tCoFix mfix k
    forallb (fun defwf_term def.(dtype) && wf_term def.(dbody)) mfix

Lemma mkApps_tApp f args :
  ~~ isApp f
  ~~ is_empty args
  tApp f args = mkApps f args.

Lemma decompose_app_inv' f l hd args : wf_term f
                                       decompose_app (mkApps f l) = (hd, args)
                                        n, ~~ isApp hd l = skipn n args f = mkApps hd (firstn n args).

Lemma mkApps_elim t l : wf_term t
                        let app' := decompose_app (mkApps t l) in
                        mkApps_spec app'.1 app'.2 t l (mkApps t l).

Lemma nApp_mkApps {t l} : ~~ isApp (mkApps t l) ~~ isApp t l = [].

Lemma mkApps_nisApp {t t' l} : mkApps t l = t' ~~ isApp t' t = t' l = [].