Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.Extraction

Extraction setup for the safechecker phase of MetaCoq.
Any extracted code planning to link with the plugin's OCaml reifier should use these same directives for consistency.

Extract Inductive Decimal.intunit [ "(fun _ -> ())" "(fun _ -> ())" ] "(fun _ _ _ -> assert false)".

Extract Constant utils.ascii_compare
 "fun x y -> match x y with 0 -> Eq | x when x < 0 -> Lt | _ -> Gt".

Extraction Blacklist config uGraph Universes Ast String List Nat Int
           UnivSubst Typing Checker Retyping OrderedType Logic Common Equality Classes.

Extraction Inline PCUICSafeConversion.Ret.

Extract Inductive Equations.Init.sigma ⇒ "(,)" ["(,)"].

Extract Constant PCUICTyping.fix_guard ⇒ "(fun x -> true)".
Extract Constant PCUICTyping.ind_guard ⇒ "(fun x -> true)".
Extract Constant check_one_ind_body ⇒ "(fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> ret envcheck_monad __)".

Cd "src".

Cd "..".