Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICErasedTerm

Erased terms
These are the terms produced by erasure: compared to kernel terms, all proofs are translated to tBox and casts are removed.
Inductive term : Set :=
| tBox (t : term)
| tRel (n : nat)
| tVar (id : ident)
| tEvar (ev : nat) (args : list term)
| tSort (s : universe)
| tProd (na : name) (ty : term) (body : term)
| tLambda (na : name) (ty : term) (body : term)
| tLetIn (na : name) (def : term) (def_ty : term) (body : term)
| tApp (f : term) (args : list term)
| tConst (c : kername) (u : universe_instance)
| tInd (ind : inductive) (u : universe_instance)
| tConstruct (ind : inductive) (idx : nat) (u : universe_instance)
| tCase (ind_and_nbparams: inductive×nat) (type_info:term)
        (discr:term) (branches : list (nat × term))
| tProj (proj : projection) (t : term)
| tFix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat)
| tCoFix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat).