Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICWfCases

Section WfTerm.
Context (Σ : global_env).

Well-formedness of all the case nodes appearing in the term. This is necessary as reduction depends on invariants on the case representation that should match the global declarations of the inductives.
Equations(noind) wf_cases (t : term) : bool :=
| tRel _true;
| tVar _true;
| tEvar ev lforallb wf_cases l;
| tSort strue;
| tProd na t bwf_cases t && wf_cases b;
| tLambda na t bwf_cases t && wf_cases b;
| tLetIn na b t b' ⇒ [&& wf_cases b, wf_cases t & wf_cases b'];
| tApp t uwf_cases t && wf_cases u;
| tConst _ _true;
| tInd _ _true;
| tConstruct _ _ _true;
| tCase ci p t brs with lookup_inductive Σ ci.(ci_ind) := {
  | Nonefalse;
  | Some (mdecl, idecl) ⇒
    [&& wf_predicateb mdecl idecl p,
        wf_branchesb idecl brs,
        forallb wf_cases p.(pparams),
        wf_cases t,
        wf_cases p.(preturn) & forallb (wf_casesbbody) brs]
| tProj p cwf_cases c;
| tFix mfix idxforallb (fun dwf_cases d.(dtype) && wf_cases d.(dbody)) mfix;
| tCoFix mfix idxforallb (fun dwf_cases d.(dtype) && wf_cases d.(dbody)) mfix;
| tPrim ptrue.

Definition wf_cases_decl d :=
  wf_cases d.(decl_type) && option_default wf_cases d.(decl_body) true.

Definition wf_cases_ctx ctx :=
  forallb wf_cases_decl ctx.

End WfTerm.

Lemma rename_wf_predicateb mdecl idecl p f :
wf_predicateb mdecl idecl (rename_predicate rename f p) = wf_predicateb mdecl idecl p.
rewrite /wf_predicateb /rename_predicate.
now len.

Lemma map_branch_wf_branchb cdecl b f :
wf_branchb cdecl (map_branch f b) = wf_branchb cdecl b.
now rewrite /wf_branchb /map_branch /=.

Lemma forallb2_impl {A B} (p q : ABbool) l l' :
  ( x y, p x yq x y) →
  forallb2 p l l'forallb2 q l l'.
  intros hpq.
  induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto.
  now move/andP⇒ [] /hpq → /IHl →.

Lemma forallb2_ext {A B} (p q : ABbool) l l' :
  ( x y, p x y = q x y) →
  forallb2 p l l' = forallb2 q l l'.
  intros hpq.
  induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto.
  now rewrite hpq IHl.

Lemma forallb2_map_r {A B C} (p : ABbool) f l (l' : list C) :
  forallb2 p l (map f l') = forallb2 (fun x yp x (f y)) l l'.
  now rewrite -(map_id l) forallb2_map map_id.

Lemma rename_wf_branchesb idecl brs (f : branch termtermterm) :
  wf_branchesb idecl (map (fun brmap_branch (f br) br) brs) = wf_branchesb idecl brs.
  rewrite /wf_branchesb /map_branch /=.
  rewrite forallb2_map_r.
  eapply forallb2_extcdecl b.
  apply map_branch_wf_branchb.